Following on from a recent blog post (link below) I share a selection of screen captures from a Facebook communication. My offering is made partly to amuse and it is amusing, yet importantly my offering is a warning. A warning regards scammers, hackers and persons using the Internet to farm the unwary.

We have all I am sure, heard about the Nigerian email scam. An individual claiming either to be a prince or a relation to a politician, emails you claiming he needs to get out of the country and take money with him (it is usually a man). Importantly he must transfer the money before fleeing the home country and to do this he is willing to transfer a huge amount of money to your bank account. Then when he is out of Nigeria and safely in London, Paris or wherever, you agree to return the money less 10% for your trouble. To do this you are required to send him your bank details. What actually happens if you are foolish enough to fall for the trick, is that he will empty your bank account.

This example below is not that usual scam but a straightforward begging letter sent via Facebook. The problem is that I have no idea who this person is, how he ever joined my friend list (I am careful) or why he thought I was a suitable target. It is possible that he joined my list by some underhand means, possibly a hack, I really do not know.

Unusually, I have left his name on all the captures. I have done this as a warning, should others receive messages or even a friend request. When it is a question of the Internet and in particular Facebook, it is wise to be wary.

Facebook and the Puzzle that are Friend Requests