A failure of Intuition

As many readers will be aware, I do from time to time receive unusual messages. These can be texts, Facebook messages or telephone calls. All of these unusual messages and communications will have one factor in common, they are in their nature spam. Some of these previous happenings have been documented as blog posts and links to them are provided below. On the evening of  Sunday the 24th January and into the early hours of Monday the 25th January 2021, I received a series of rather peculiar Facebook messages from a gentleman offering me psychic readings. I provide for the amusement of the reader the screen captures of the messages.

I knew from the moment that I got the first message, I had a spammer. It was so patently obvious. The rather unusual and over familiar greeting made me suspicious. The language structure clearly indicated that English was not their first language and this is often noted in spam emails.  Why are they so often from Nigeria? I do wonder about that. Reading the messages and my replies, the reader can see that I was perhaps a little direct in my questioning. It was late and I wanted to go to bed. I tried not to be rude but a certain lack of patience will be apparent in my replies. Looking back I am somewhat disappointed that the messages dried up so quickly. I would have liked a little more material for this blog but it was late, I was tired.

The comical elements are clearly evident. He wants money. We all do but most of us do not randomly message strangers. I am a lightning rod for nutters. I have nothing in common with this man, no shared groups and no mutual friends. How he found me and why he thought I was a suitable victim, is a mystery. Indeed I would go so far as to suggest that as a psychic reader, he isn’t very good. His intuition undoubtedly failed him and it is evident that he did no research at all. If he had only looked at my Facebook profile and followed the links, he may have found enough information to dissuade him from messaging me in the first instance. So dear reader enjoy this supposed psychic that is something of a failure and perhaps even an embarrassment to those who practice professionally. Remember that the Internet is full of these charlatans and please beware of them.





