Diary of a Nobody

It is the middle of September, Roodmas has passed, the Autumn Equinox and Michaelmas approacheth. Those of you who follow my blogging adventures, will be aware that I have been ill all summer. I am still at home on sick leave but the general situation is improving. It is hoped that I will return to work quite soon. For how long and whether I will retire due to ill health, has yet to be decided. An outline of the situation was addressed in a previous blog (The Summer of 2021).

As my general well-being has improved, I have begun to write again (Facebook Weirdness & Where are the pictures?). This is an important development. Writing is never easy and anyone who says that it is, could either be a genius, deluded or a liar. Most likely they are a deluded genius. Writing takes effort, determination and no little skill. This of course all sounds rather boastful but I am attempting to present a degree of honesty.

As my inner light has slowly burned brighter, my improved concentration has enabled me to read, to study and to socialise a little more. The past eighteen months have been difficult for many of us and that statement cannot be dismissed lightly. The years 2020 and 2021 are unlikely to be remembered with fondness by many of us; although they are not by any stretch the worst years in recorded history.

Earlier this month I travelled with friends from Nottingham to attend the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance. A link detailing my previous attendance is below. Last year like many other folk traditions, it took place in a much reduced form and without the usual associated crowds. It was therefore, a joy to be able to see the dance once more and to meet again familiar faces. The wider world is slowly resuming a semblance of normality.

My friends from the Robin Hood Experience travelled in full costume as Robin Hood and Little John. They both looked splendid and ‘Bear’ performing as John Naylor, is one of the best I have ever seen act that part. He is a most intimidating but paradoxically charming, Saxon giant.

We caught up with the dance near Admaston, Robin and John making quite an impression. They were very happy to pose for photographs with members of the public and the dancers themselves. My pictures are on tumblr (links below). Sadly I did not get a picture of our Robin, with the young man performing that role as one of the dancers or with their Maid Marion.

I had the peculiar experience of being recognised by name while at the Horn Dance. I also had the great pleasure of being introduced to Doc Rowe, an eminent folklorist and historian. It came as a surprise to discover that he had heard of me but I may have made a fool of myself; by asking for his autograph. It was my impression that such a request was rare but I am pleased to say that he politely humoured me.

We then travelled on to the hall to watch the dancers perform on the lawn and be presented to the Lord Bagot himself. The weather was far better than we had expected. I got a few good photographs and naturally, Robin and Little John were an extra attraction for the crowds now gathered. As the dancers joined the family for lunch, we departed for the village of Abbots Bromley itself.

All three of us were feeling the heat of the day now, particularly my friends who were still in their full costumes. Therefore, it was only natural that we make ourselves comfortable and take some rest; eventually finding a shady spot in the Goat’s Head. The cider and stout was partaken of, for purely medicinal purposes.

After a brief exploration of the small market set up on the village green, we decided to call it a day and head for home. Both of my friends were now finding the heat quite uncomfortable and although my old self was beginning to shine, I suspect they could also tell I was tiring. Indeed it would take most of the following day, for me to recover fully from the day’s exertions.

Later that week I was approached by a friend and asked to proof read an unpublished manuscript. This is not the first time I have been asked to do so and it is flattering to be asked again. On this occasion, I have also been asked to consider writing a mini review or endorsement. This is also very flattering but I do find being asked to do so, a rather odd situation.

I do not see myself as a name but as a nobody. Why should I be asked? This stated opinion has now been strongly disabused, after raising the matter with friends and family. Why should I not be asked? It still comes as a surprise to me but my opinion is very much respected. It has been pointed out that I am a well read authority and I am informed by friends; that they knew of my existence long before our meeting. I am reminded that far from being a nobody, I am a published author. It has been observed that I was known and recognised at Abbots Bromley. It is true that I have been previously described as a prominent name. It is true that I have been previously described as an authority. It is also true that I have been called a ‘tw*t’ on more than one occasion and that deflates the ego quite speedily.

Despite having written for a few quite important and influential journals, I have a tendency to regard myself as a member of the second eleven. This is in direct contradiction to how others may perceive me. One could suggest that there is an element of modesty at play here. However, I at times see myself as being somewhat pretentious and on occasion, I am a rather pompous old gentleman. I should perhaps be grateful that my self-effacing humour, prevents me from taking myself too seriously.

As I have addressed in my other blog posts, the majority of my blog hits do still come via Facebook and this still saddens me. Although I have reduced my presence on the platform, I recognise that it remains a useful but limited tool. A tool that I use for my own selfish needs and my blatant self-promotion. Oddly, at least to me, the majority of my hits now originate in the USA and Ireland. Not the United Kingdom or Japan, which means I cannot claim to be ‘big in Japan.’ Yes that was a terrible joke and only fans of eighties pop music will understand it anyway. I’m sorry.

On a more serious note; this may naturally raise the matter, of how one should measure success. For me success is a subjective, qualitative standard and not a quantitative factor. Many of my blog posts are read by a few dozen people and some are read by hundreds. A few but very few, are read by thousands. The numbers are of little import. What really matters is that my material, whether in print or on a blog, is read by the right people. It is obvious or it should be; that much of my work is somewhat specialist in nature. My material is neither suitable nor necessarily of interest to the wider public. In stating this fact we can further observe that; ‘Wisdom is too high for a fool’ (Proverbs 24:7 KJB).

The Summer of 2021

Facebook Weirdness

Where are the pictures?

The Dream of the Rood: An anonymous Anglo-Saxon poem translated by Elaine Treharne

From the Archive ~ The Abbots Bromley Horn Dance of Staffordshire (2010)

The Robin Hood Experience – Nottingham.



tumblr pictures

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