The Castaway.

This is a story told to me by a friend of mine. In the story the man is a Scotsman, possibly a Presbyterian but those precise details are unimportant. The story is about a man.

A man is shipwrecked during a storm. Alone and completely lost, he makes landfall on a small Pacific island. It is deserted but he makes the best of what he has. The life boat has a few tools, some basic rations but no radio.

A year later a ship passes by and he lights his beacon. He will be rescued. The sailors that land to rescue him are amazed at what they see. Not only has the man built a house, he has built a shop and a pub, both of which he runs himself and for himself as the only customer. He has also built two churches or kirks.

‘Why have you built two churches?’ Asks one of the sailors.

Pointing at one he replies, ‘I worship at that church twice every Sunday.’

‘Very good,’ said the sailor, ‘but what about that one?’ This time pointing at the second church.’

‘Oh, that’s the church I don’t go to.’ said the castaway.