My Journey With Interfaith

Knot Magick

November 2021 has proved to be a patchy one for blogging; the world is slowly opening up and life is getting busier. Amongst the things that have kept me away from the keyboard we have a weekend away and a trip to accident and emergency with a sprained knee. One of the more pleasant distractions involved the Light for Leeds interfaith event, where I manned the Paganism stall for the third year, 2020 not withstanding. I enjoy it every year, and this year’s theme was an elemental one for us Pagans, being focused on the environment. I even played up to the roll, wearing my “Green Woman” dress and jewelry though it was all hidden under my big autumn coloured cardigan. Another reason I enjoy the day is the conversation.

I am usually an incidental face at interfaith events but Light for Leeds is an exception where I hang…

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