The Wacky World of You-Tube

There is little to question or to doubt when making the statement; the Internet can be a source of entertainment. The problem is that the entertainment we derive, is frequently for the wrong reasons. Both entertainment and education begin with the letter E. Unfortunately on You-Tube certain ‘content creators’ confuse the two and provide us with amusement in their own attempts at educational film making.

The comedy gold that is the Flat Earth presenter, is equalled only by the Young Earth Creationist. In recent months I have moved my attention from the former to the latter and as with the Flat Earth Movement, I find myself truly amazed at the wackiness of the content.

The idea of taking the Bible as a literal truth in matters outside of theology is a relatively recent one. It is a very much an early modern concept. Historically both prior to and after the Renaissance, the Bible was seen in the light of an allegorical truth. Then things for reasons unknown, began to change.

There is a rather complex difference between Biblical inerrancy and Biblical infallibility. These two terms are frequently confused, particularly within the Evangelical wing of Christianity prevalent within the United States. The confusion is understandable and many scholars confuse them. I myself as a layman, can barely understand them. The difference is complex and exceptionally difficult to comprehend.

To put this as simply as possible. Biblical infallibility is a declaration that the Bible is useful, true and trustworthy in all matters of Christian faith and salvation. Biblical inerrancy is the declaration that the Bible is without error or fault in all its teachings. In simple terms the Bible is true and without error within the context of theology only, not science or history. It is the last two points that many do fail to grasp. In the context of mythology, something can be true because it has ‘meaning’ but that does not mean it actually happened. I did say it was a complex matter. Furthermore, I can add this observation that living in England; I believe in the weather but I do not have faith in the weather.

One of the craziest whackadoodles on You-Tube is Kent Hovind, an American Young Earth Creationist and a Bible Believing Christian. I use the American colloquialism whackadoodle as it feels the most appropriate descriptor. Here in the United Kingdom, I have met many Christians who would describe themselves as Bible Believing Christians but very few would also call themselves Young Earth Creationists. The two identifiers do not necessarily have to occur together.

For those who are lucky enough not to be aware of the existence of Kent Hovind, he is known for amongst many things; a You-Tube show called Whack an Atheist. The programme is as silly and as infantile as the title suggests. Mr Hovind is himself somewhat infantile in his presentation, his ‘arguments’ are predictable and lack critical thinking. His activities often attract the attention of other You-Tube creators, usually those with a scientific background or who may be atheists themselves. These are called ‘debunking’ videos. One such atheist is a young woman by the name of Emma Thorne, who stepped outside of her usual field to critique some of Mr Hovind’s unusual opinions on evolution.

In the latter part of 2021 and after reviewing the peculiar comedy double act of Kent Hovind and his sycophantic assistant Matt Powel; Miss Thorne got her wish and was actually featured on Whack an Atheist herself. I feel the experience for Miss Thorne may have been soured and the element of hoped for fun to have evaporated, once she realised what an ass Mr Hovind really is. I provide an assortment of web-links below for the amusement of the reader.

I have found the approach of Mr Hovind towards Miss Thorne, to be at the very least mildly condescending. He is of course old enough to be her grandfather and although I feel elders should be given respect, I find his attitude of dismissing her as a silly little girl to be rather grating. For the record, I am also old enough to be her grandfather but I do not regard Miss Thorne as a silly girl. I may be a rather pompous old man but patronising I hope I am not. Miss Thorne’s own You-Tube channel is worth following, I encourage the reader to do so but please don’t waste your time following Kent Hovind.

I have on more than one occasion and by different people, been encouraged to set up my own You-Tube channel. The idea is tempting, as I do have good diction. Well, I am told I that have and my voice is distinctive, whatever that means. Since I have the ideal face for radio however, I think a non-visual medium would be a better approach. Perhaps an audio podcast with photographs, rather than me talking to camera.

This would naturally necessitate my investing in a proper  microphone, rather than rely on the built in one that is in my computer. I would also have to learn about editing. A completely new skill and I am getting old. I do have the feeling that I may be late to the party. I am thinking that You-Tube is beginning to go the same way as Facebook, as other platforms are now drawing away users. There are like Facebook, issues over censorship and neither are as fashionable as they once were. I am unsure how much of a threat to Facebook, Reddit is. It seems to be only slightly more active than Google Plus ever was. You-Tube however, is up against Tik-Tok, Vimeo and Discord, to name just three.

In reality and this should be obvious of course, You-Tube and many other websites are merely the Internet large. The positive and the negative traits of the World Wide Web, are displayed for us all to see. From education to entertainment and from deep insight to the superficial, it is all made manifest. Although lacking any proven method of peer review, the most ridiculous ideas can be spread. Yet this is counterbalanced by the circumvention of unnecessary censorship.

The positive, the negative, the good and the bad. They can all be found on You-Tube and they can be found in almost equal measure. It is necessary for the viewer to practice discernment and sort the wheat from the chaff. Shallow prawns are the most easily caught and although we can all poke fun at people like Hovind, the real joke is that people believe him.

©D.B. Griffith 2022

Kent Hovind Loves Emma Thorne (NOT).

Kent Hovind & Matt Powell – Explained and Exposed

Gutsick Gibbon – Reviewing AIG Films

Young Earth Creationism and the Televangelist Movement

The Mad, Mad World of Internet Christianity.


From the Archive – The Perceived Conflict Between Science and Faith (2014)

Freemasonry and Christianity

American Christianity & Politics

Toxic Internet: Social Media & the Seeds of Division

The Toxic Internet & Intolerance

The Toxic Internet & Tall Poppy Syndrome

The Toxic Internet & Misinformation

The Internet, Keyboard Warriors and Standards of Behaviour.

The Weakness of Kent Hovind – Parts 1 & 2.