Wars and Rumours of Wars

I am watching the world burn. It is difficult to discern the truth in a world of hatred, bigotry and lies. Continuing on from the Wacky World of You-Tube (link below), I find myself quite disturbed by the ongoing activities of American Evangelical Christianity.

Not wishing to reveal names, I can merely say that ‘Shout at the Camera’ continues to set a date for the Rapture; while claiming that he is not doing any such thing. A clown with a talking skeleton continues to entertain me and I am admittedly at a loss, as to whether he is serious or satirical. More worrying however, are the ramblings of a failed actor and his strange predictions of this imaginary event.

This man was so confident that the Rapture would take place last year (see The Mad, Mad World of Internet Christianity link below); that he continued to turn up for work as a movie extra and even moved house. Such wonderful confidence in the word of God, I stand amazed at his faith. Yes, I am being sarcastic.

Far more worrying of late however, is the interpretation that the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War is a precursor to the Rapture and that a potential nuclear conflict is a form of Armageddon. The delight that these alleged Christians take, in the thought of millions dying in a nuclear fireball; is quite nauseating. I am shocked at their undisguised desire for the end of civilisation.

There is some debate and there always is of course, whether the war comes first as part of the Rapture or the Rapture is before the nuclear strike. Either way the chosen ones are sure of their destined fate, to sit on the right hand of God while the rest of us burn in a Hell on Earth.

It should go almost without saying that I find the opinions expressed by these You-Tube Christians, to be unacceptable in a civilised society. The near unbridled delight at the thought of a nuclear holocaust is quite disgusting. The death of millions is seemingly unimportant, because the true Godly will have been saved.

These opinions are dangerous. If held by persons in power, it is conceivable that they would deliberately provoke war; to bring about their warped and horrifying prophecy. Yet I do wonder, how genuine are these opinions? I am sure that some of those active on You-Tube and other social media platforms truly believe in an End Times prophecy. It is ridiculous and lacking theological basis, yet they believe. We should note that neither the Catholic nor the Anglican (Episcopalian) churches teach the Rapture. Yet people still believe.

Counter to this however, how many on You-Tube and social media merely pay lip service to the matter? How many are just playing along? It is a game for some, a disingenuous one and if this is true; then what do they gain? Is it notoriety? Is it influence? Is it You-Tube advertising revenue?

Those who believe in the End Time prophecies will often quote the Biblical text; ‘there are wars and there are rumours of wars’ but it is paraphrased. The full text from Matthew chapter 26 verse 6 is; ‘And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet.’ The reading of the latter half of the passage gives the text a different context. Sometimes I do wonder if Christians actually read their Bibles.

The Wacky World of You-Tube

The Weakness of Kent Hovind – Parts 1 & 2.

The weird & robotic world of Facebook

Landmarks of history and the return of Zemlyanka

Prayer to St. Jude for the Lost Cause that is the Ukraine.

There is a disturbance in the web-verse.

The Mad, Mad World of Internet Christianity.

Freemasonry and Christianity

The Internet, Keyboard Warriors and Standards of Behaviour.

Mankind’s Great Achievement

American Christianity & Politics

Young Earth Creationism and the Televangelist Movement

A Library of Banned Books?

Free Speech


The Castaway.

A Faith Perspective



Toxic Internet: Social Media & the Seeds of Division

The Toxic Internet & Intolerance

The Toxic Internet & Tall Poppy Syndrome

The Toxic Internet & Misinformation

From the Archive – The Perceived Conflict Between Science and Faith (2014)