PILLARS (volume II issue III) – ‘A Wayfarer’s Hearth’

It is spring 2022 and I am sitting at home resting on my laurels, I have articles awaiting for publication, others pending submission and I have managed some small success with my blog (this WordPress one). Amongst all of this I have almost forgotten or perhaps more accurately neglected, to celebrate the success of friends, two in particular. It is my great and good fortune, to be acquainted with people of talent, skill and learning.

Two of my friends are justifiably celebrating their inclusion in the latest edition of the Pillars anthology, which is  published by that prestigious company, Anathema Publishing of Canada. Now it is true to say that for Shani Oates of the Clan of Tubal Cain, to be published by Anathema is not a novelty. Shani has previously had her work produced by Anathema and there are more to come, to eventually complete a series of works. For my other friend however, it is very much a novelty. Suzanne Read of the Hearth of Albion has very good reason to feel pride, as this is her first inclusion in an Anathema publication.

Both women are obviously practitioners of the traditional persuasion and this is naturally reflected in their individual contributions. The Wayfarer’s Hearth has inclusions from many practitioners, some of whom are well known and some perhaps relatively lesser known. It is the policy of the publisher to rotate contributors, so that a monopoly of the work is avoided. This generous approach by the publisher has enabled lesser names such as myself, to appear in the same work at the luminaries of the artes.

Mrs Read works in education delivering apprenticeship training here in the United Kingdom. The group which she co-founded with her husband, often works on Alderley Edge in Cheshire. This ancient working site is naturally enough, the focus of her contribution to the Wayfarer’s Hearth. Mrs Read’s hobbies include leatherworking and blacksmithing. Links to the Hearth of Albion and the website for her leatherwork are below.

The anthology itself has a broad scope of examination, reflecting the differing perspectives of more than two dozen contributors. These include physical journeys, meditations and the inner workings of the practitioner. The actual and the imaginative journey are unified, to explore the magical and the unique alchemical experience. It is indeed true that the destination is not an end in itself, as frequently the journey is as important as that final destination. It is the journey that changes the initiate in preparation for their arrival and that is the true meaning of pilgrimage.

Anathema Publishing – new Pillar’s – The Wayfarer’s Hearth

Diary of a Nobody

Anathema Publishing – website


To purchase PILLARS: A Wayfarer’s Hearth


Hearth of Albion – home website

Myth of Albion – leathercraft


PILLARS IV – (Vol.2, Issue.1) – ‘Circling the Compass’

PILLARS Vol.2, Issue.2 – ‘Seeds of Ares’

Images on tumblr

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