What’s all the fuss over Twatter?

As I have expressed in previous blog posts; ‘Landmarks of history and the return of Zemlyanka’ being one of the more recent (links below). I am somewhat unworldly, not very aware of public events and current news stories. I am rather apolitical. I am here at home in the late April of 2022 and I am rather puzzled by the furore on various social media platforms. The main topic of conversation appears to be the purchase of Twatter by Elon Musk. Amusingly, much of this activity is on the website itself.

The above is not a spelling mistake, in case you my dear reader are wondering. Twatter is how I have been referring to Twitter for many weeks now. I dislike swearwords but this term feels appropriate. It is descriptive of both the average user and the content. I am on Twatter but as you may have guessed, I am not enamoured with it.

What is the ‘big deal’ regards Elon Musk making a ‘big deal’ and buying twatter? A billionaire buying or selling a business is a relatively common occurrence. I admit that until about five years ago, I had never heard of the man. I know very little about him. His activates outside of the scientific achievements of spaceflight, are of little interest to me. To me a millionaire or a billionaire for that matter, buying a company is no big thing.

What little I am able to ascertain, from the Internet, talking to family, friends and work colleagues. Is that there appears to be an issue over his private political opinion and his aversion to censorship. I myself am no supporter of censorship and there does appear to be an over use on many websites, in particular tumblr and Facebook. I have addressed this issue many times in my blog posts.

The political issue appears to be a little more complicated. It has been suggested that he is to the right of centre in his views. Is this an issue? Many people are. If the concern is extremism, then we may indeed have a problem. I do not support extremism of any kind, whether it is from the far-right or the far-left. To quote the blessed Prophet (PBUH); ‘To fight evil with good, is good. To fight evil with evil, is evil.’ Two wrongs do not make a right and I am perplexed by the ‘shout’s’ of some on the far-right, who now appear to think the pendulum is swinging their way.

I have often noted on the Internet and primarily on social media; that people will often complain that their voice is not being heard and that they are subject to censorship. They then go on to state that an opinion contrary to their own, is freely permitted. If this is true (and I am not convinced it is), then they do have a point. The rules should indeed apply to both sides of the political environment. If someone on the far-right is censored, then people on the far-left should also be. Extremism is still extremism, no matter what the colour or opinion expressed. However, this ‘whataboutism’ is a pretty low bar and something of a fallacy. Care should be taken before we make such sweeping statements.

I can’t help thinking that Mr Musk buying Twatter is no more than a nine day wonder. An amusing distraction from the troubles of the real world and an unimportant entertainment. While we are all looking the other way, the Russo-Ukrainian War continues, Palestinians are living in refugee camps, Muslims and Christians are persecuted by the Communist Chinese and young women are trafficked for the sex industry. The elderly and the poor now face increasing hardship, energy and food prices are rising, wages have stagnated. Businesses face bankruptcy, remember that COVID has not simply got up and left the theatre.

This list could go on. There are far more important things happening in the world than the purchase of an Internet company, which will no doubt be sold for profit in five years time anyway. We can all move along now but don’t look at the real issues. There is nothing to see over there but a rich man has bought a company, come and look at that story, come buy our newspapers.

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