Announcement – Staff Voices Project (2022)

Since the summer of 2021 the National Health Service of England and Wales, has been engaged in various initiatives commemorating staff experiences during the pandemic. Whatever we choose to call it, the Chinese Flu, a Devilish Disease or simply the Plague, many of us have faced challenging situations.

Many people, the public and key workers, have been left mentally and emotionally damaged by COVID. Although there have been a great many negative experiences, there have also been positive ones and the Staff Voices Project hopes to provide an opportunity for those varied experiences to be shared. Many events have already taken place, including commemoration and thanksgiving services. More are planned in the Autumn of 2022.

Two such events will be at Derby Cathedral on Sunday 11th September at 2:45pm and Lichfield Cathedral on Saturday 8th October at 2pm. These two events will be ones of celebration and reflection, featuring a NHS staff choir, music inspired by our experiences and exhibitions.

NHS staff were invited to submit poetry to be read at these events and I am honoured to confirm that one of my poems has been chosen. I have furthermore, accepted the invitation to attend and to read my poem ‘When this is over’ myself.