Michael Howard – Introduction to the Robert Cochrane Letters (2002)

In this book (The Robert Cochrane Letters) the term (Traditional Witchcraft) is used exclusively to describe forms of Witchcraft that ‘claim’ a pre-modern provenance and excludes ‘neo-pagan’ (sic) Wicca as it exists today, although we know Gardner was inducted into a ‘Traditional Coven’ in the New Forest.

When referring to Traditional Craft or Old Craft both practitioners and observers can only relate their experiences to the particular Tradition or group they have had contact with. Many of these have more similarities than differences but to talk of the Traditional Craft as if it was some nation-wide monolithic organisation as some may do is a fallacy.

Howard, Michael (2002). Introduction to the ‘Robert Cochrane Letters’ page 12. Capall Bann England.