Companions of Water

Not for the first time as a Registered Nurse and I hope as a decent human being, do I find myself quite disgusted by human behaviour. In this instance I refer to the recent loss of a submersible close to the wreck of the Titanic, the resulting loss of life and the inappropriate humour it has engendered across the Internet.

There appears to be an element of ‘whataboutism’ that although not without foundation, remains quite irrelevant. Let there be no misunderstanding here, loss of life is a tragedy and drowning is a truly horrible way to die. It matters not to me, whether that loss of life is a wealthy individual or an asylum seeker. Moral and political opinion on wealth or even illegal immigration, is as irrelevant as the ‘whataboutism’ already mentioned.

This is a tragedy. A tragedy caused allegedly by the stupidity and greed of one man, perhaps. An unfortunate factor that may indeed temper our personal sympathy for that individual in particular but the loss of the submersible is still a tragedy. Like the loss of others that perhaps the media does choose to ignore, this is a tragedy and not only in regard to those lost. It is a tragedy perhaps even greater, for the family and friends left behind.

The loss of the submersible is not a subject worthy of satire, memes or the comedy club. I choose therefore, to dissociate myself from those that feel this event to be in any way comedic. Noting that as a Registered Nurse, I may value human life differently from society as a whole. I am beyond disappointment.