Disappointment of Biblical Proportions (a review of the Trump Bible)

As some of my readers may be aware, I am an ‘avid reader’ as the saying goes and a somewhat obsessive book collector. These last few years and certainly since the Plague times; I have become rather fixated on the acquisition of Bibles. Truly I am a Bibliophile in more than one sense of the word and that play on words amuses me no end.

Like many who may read and collect Bibles, I have particular favourite styles and translations. The King James Bible and the Revised Standard Version are classics of course. Examples are easily available and some quite reasonably priced. When it comes to more recent twentieth and twenty-first century publications, I have a particular penchant for the New English Bible and its updated edition the Revised English Bible. I think well of the English Standard Version and I am beginning to find my way around the New International Version.

Earlier this year I became aware of an American Bible being promoted and actively endorsed by the former President of the United States, Mr Donald Trump. This Bible is officially named the ‘God Bless the USA Bible’ but unsurprisingly, it has itself collected several other epithets. It is most commonly known by the remarkably descriptive sobriquet the ‘Trump Bible’ but I have also heard it referred to as the ‘Make America Great Again’ Bible. I suspect there may be more such colloquial embellishments but they are likely to be far from complementary. I am somewhat surprised that it hasn’t been labelled ‘Satan’s Bible’ but it all rather depends on ones political persuasion.

I was quite fascinated by a video on YouTube in which an American Pastor filmed his un-boxing of a copy sent to him. It was a most enlightening presentation and I was greatly surprised at what was depicted. For those of you unaware, this is a reprint of the traditional King James or Authorised Biblical text with an assortment of appended documents.

This ‘appendix’ includes the chorus to a song that I have never heard. This is same song that has given the Bible its name and it is written by a man I had never heard of before now. In order following the song are; the United States Constitution which includes rather ironically the Articles of Impeachment, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance.

None of these documents have any direct relevance to the Biblical text itself and are in point of fact, rather incongruous in their inclusion. I can only compare it to the possibility of a British publisher producing a King James Bible, with the text of the Magna Carta as an appendix. Yes, those who signed the Declaration of Independence; like those who signed the Magna Carta were all Christians but that is where any connection between the legal documents and the Biblical texts ends. It is all quite ridiculous and the entire contents of this Bible excluding the song lyric are public domain.

When I first became aware of this Bible it was priced at eighty United States Dollars, which equates to less than sixty-five British Pounds. It can be purchased from the official website for sixty United States Dollars, which is less than fifty British Pounds. This may represent a surprising price drop in the last few months but the higher price may have been that charged by book dealers in the USA. The details are unclear.

Whether it is eighty or sixty dollars, this is not a ‘cheap’ Bible. That asking price places it at the lower end of the premier or deluxe market. The Bible itself does not reflect the asking price, whether the higher or the lower. It is not leather-bound but comes in a synthetic, rubberised cover. I am mildly amused that the cover is itself, a light brown or tan colour. I shall refrain from any further comment on that coincidence.

Inside we discover that this is a red letter edition with the words of Christ shown in red. Otherwise the text is itself rather plain and the paper used is of middling quality. True the appendix is presented on a glossy paper but many handling this Bible have complained, as apparently these papers will stick together and sometimes tear. This is very poor.

This should in British Pounds be a ‘nine ninety-nine’ supermarket Bible (that’s less than fifteen US Dollars) but it is absolutely not a premier edition. It is therefore, a ‘cheap’ Bible in respects to quality and with all things considered, a very uninspiring presentation of the Word of God.

Wisdom and Madness and Folly

‘The folly of God is wiser than human wisdom; and the weakness of God stronger than human strength.’ 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 25 – Revised English Bible (1989)

I am not a political animal and I watch politics only for the amusement value. The remarkably complicated affairs of the United States are my present go to for a detached amusement. In particular the activities of an infamous former President of the United States as a cause célèbre but on a more serious level, I acknowledge that his activities are a concern for others.

It has over the past twelve months, proved somewhat difficult to ignore the activities of this man and his entourage. On occasion I have tried. The media love him, he provides excellent ‘sound-bites’ for the media in general and he is ‘good-copy’ for the newspapers. His supporters and his detractors are equally vociferous in their determined protestations, their attacks and their defences being at times rather extreme.

I have no stake in this fight. I am in contact via the Internet with those who appear to strongly dislike, if not necessarily hate this man. I am also in contact with those who support his views and defend his actions with an equal vigour. I am therefore, unwilling to pin my colours to any political mast and I would prefer rather, to observe matters in an as unbiased manner as is humanly possible. I do not seek to offend those who see Donald Trump as the New-Messiah or those who speak of him as the Anti-Christ.

My cultured indifference in regard to many world affairs and of which I have made mention before, has both negative and positive points. My perception and my understanding of the complexity of the human condition may at times appear quite superficial. Yet by maintaining this luxury of separation, I am able to perceive our world in a less partisan manner. Perhaps I am no more than a jaded cynic to some but that is too simple a description of my personal philosophy. I don’t expect people to understand me but I would hope that others recognise that I am not like them.

As an example of my social isolation from our modern world, which includes an ignorance of entertainment and celebrity culture, I shall briefly comment on a recent sporting event in the United States of America. In February of this year (2024), the final of a major competition took place in the United States. This mysterious phenomenon is called the Superbowl and it involves a football match between teams of which I have no knowledge.

The entertainment provided during the break in proceedings, was a performance by a famous female singer. Until references to the Superbowl were splashed across the Internet in those last weeks before the event, the name of this woman was unknown to me. I had never heard of this woman until approximately two weeks before the game and even now as I write, I can honestly say I have not heard her music.

This may read as a celebration of ignorance but I suggest it can be interpreted a different way. Indeed it should be interpreted another way. This is an illustration of how media manipulation fails when one has some insight and an awareness of this manipulation in practice.

The most puzzling aspect of this however, is the Trump connection. I have observed many posts on the Internet, accompanied with a multiplicity of memes across Facebook and TwXtter. None of which I have understood. I cannot grasp at all what the Superbowl has to do with Trump or what possible connection there may be between him and Taylor Swift. On this point my ignorance is quite extreme and my understanding lacking.

Our perceptions are frequently affected by our wants and our desires. By stepping away we can sometimes see the world just a little clearer. For example in 2016 few outside of the United States had heard of Bernie Sanders or considered him a serious contender. He was seen as nothing other than the token ‘also ran’ and as quite lacking the gravitas necessary for high office. Going to the other extreme however, in 1980 many in Britain were stunned by the election victory of Ronald Reagan. Most had no idea that he was active in politics or that he had served as a state governor. He is still remembered here in the United Kingdom and in particular by the older generations, as being a second rate actor.

If we believed the Internet, we would believe that Trump is facing prison, that he will be banned from holding political office and that his hopes of regaining the Presidency are entirely vain. Donald Trump will not go to prison. His age and health will be used as an excuse to hide the genuine reason. The truth although unpalatable to some, is that the United States cannot countenance the embarrassment of imprisoning a former head of state. The reputation of the United States on the world stage will suffer. This is the world’s most powerful country, not some African or South American banana republic. There will be a deal, perhaps also a substantial fine but not a prison sentence.

The cynical part of my mind can foresee this deal; it will be a repeat of Watergate and that infamous Nixon-Ford agreement that resulted in a presidential pardon. It will be less embarrassing politically to the United States than imprisonment. It will also give any Democratic President the opportunity to exercise magnanimity, a public relations coup that can be ‘milked’ and one the Republicans cannot hope to avoid.

Of course this is all speculation and if Donald Trump wins the next presidential election, it won’t matter anyway. That possibility isn’t impossible or as farfetched as some may believe. Judging by the media and the equally obsessive activities of Internet meme creators, people genuinely fear him regaining high office. Why else would their attacks be so vehement? Trump is neither the clown that people think he is and nor is he the joker they want him to be. He is a very real threat to some but his re-election is not a fantasy, it is the genuine hope of many Americans.

‘So I turned to consider wisdom and madness and folly. For what can the man do who comes after the king? Only what has already been done. Then I saw that there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness.’ Ecclesiastes 2:12-13 English Standard Version.